Reusable organic cotton wipes

Spoon on a napkin

Is it difficult to live with an eye on the environment? Proponents of eco-friendliness will say that it is simple. And indeed, what could be complicated: prioritize eco-products and dispose of waste responsibly. In short, enjoy your life without harming the environment. But those who until recently cared little about the environmental situation on our planet, and today they decided to join the ranks of responsible consumers, not once will face the complexity of living by eco-rules.

And we are not even talking about global problems, most of which we cannot fix yet, but about domestic problems, which cannot be solved without ubiquitous plastics and pesticides. reusable cotton wipes

Well, what about buying groceries from the supermarket, where goods have to be packed in their own plastic?

It’s enough to buy an eco-bag (made of fabric), which will serve faithfully in dozens of trips for groceries, and as for prepacking, there are two options: either go to the supermarket, where they use paper bags, or take bags to prep with you. And believe me, it’s hard to get used to only in the beginning, after a while it will become an integral part of your life.

How to give up the beloved and very practical hygiene products, such as wet wipes? They have become very popular all over the world, and it is quite logical. They are easy to use and affordable. But this is where the benefits of their use end. Contrary to popular belief, wet wipes not only do not fight bacteria, but on the contrary, spread them. Used wipes clog city sewers, and even the stomachs of hungry animals.

Those who believe that these “disposable” wipes miraculously dissolve after a single use are deeply mistaken. Waste products in landfills will litter the soil and the environment for years to come. They do not decompose naturally.

The safety and cleanliness that wet wipes bring to our world is nothing short of a myth. Even baby wipes manufacturers are heavily enriched with toxic perfumes and preservatives. Environmentalists call wipes “real evil”. And many are aware of all the disadvantages that bring us this convenience, but just do not see any other way out. Although there is one, and it was given to us by nature. It is a reusable napkins made of organic cotton.

How is organic cotton different from conventional cotton? Organic means grown without the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, and harvested by hand. Of course, compliance with all conditions of organic production is more expensive than for conventional cotton. But it is worth it. Organic cotton wipes do not cause allergic reactions, so they are safe even for children.

Decomposing, these tissues will not cause any harm to the environment, turning into compost. All products made from pure cotton are marked “organic cotton”.

Yes, and if you calculate the savings, it should be understood that after use, we will not need to throw away the napkin, and to return it to a clean appearance, it is enough to wash. For those who by force of habit or other circumstances can not give up wet wipes there is also an eco-solution – to make your own reusable wet wipes from organic cotton. You will need the wipes themselves and a special solution.

The recipe for the solution: 4 cups of clean chilled water, 3 tablespoons of oil (olive or sunflower), 2 tablespoons of Castile soap, a few drops of your favorite essential oil.

Store the solution in a cool place, and when going for a walk, you can take with you, pouring it into a compact container.